The pegan diet is a combination of principles from the paleo and vegan diets, with some exceptions.
Followers eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds; meat like fish and eggs are allowed on this diet. Dairy products are not permitted in any form, and grains or legumes aren’t essential to your intake. You should avoid sugar, but you can still indulge every so often in processed foods since they’re more common ingredients that most people have easier access to buy.
The one thing about the pegan diet is its restrictiveness, which makes it difficult for long-term adherence compared to other popular eating styles today (paleo being an example).
Table of Contents
Difference Between The Paleo And Pegan Diet
One diet emphasizes plant-based foods, while the other one is much more strict. The Ketotarian lifestyle includes many rules and guidelines that are not present in a pegan plan. For example, it emphasizes keto instead of Paleo; if you don’t want to eat meat or eggs, you can eat poultry with no skin sparingly as well.
Do You Want To Check The Vegan Diet?
This question might have popped up in your mind at one point or another. It might have been when you were trying to figure out if you should switch to a vegan diet or not.
Vegans are people who do not consume any animal products. Some also avoid other animal-derived products like leather, wool, silk, and honey. Veganism is a lifestyle that has been around for decades now, and it is constantly growing in popularity.
Some people are afraid of veganism because they think it means deprivation and sacrifice, but this is not true. Veganism can be a healthy lifestyle as long as you monitor your food choices and eat enough protein and fiber.
People who follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle are generally healthier. They avoid high levels of saturated fat in animal products like meat and dairy and cholesterol and antibiotics found in poultry and fish.

You might be assuming this is just another nutrition trend, but it’s a way of life. PEGAN stands for “Paleo,” which means you eat what our ancestors ate – no sugar, dairy or grains and instead eats lots of fruits and vegetables while getting protein from lean meat sources like fish, eggs, and healthy fats; such as nuts & seeds!
The pegan diet comprises 75% fruits and veggies, with the remaining 25% primarily being meats (fish), eggs(if not vegan), and some legumes in limited quantities.
What Foods Are Included In The Pegan Diet?
The pegan diet centres on eating “clean”. Your plan includes:
- Vegetables: Mostly, these with low starch or place low on the glycemic index, such as broccoli, tomatoes, and carrots.
- Fruits: If you want to minimize your blood sugar response, your meals should emphasize low-glycemic fruits and vegetables like berries or non-starchy veggies.
- Nuts: Like almonds and pistachios with other seeds, including chia seed and flaxseed oil to boost energy levels for vegetarians who need protein sources in their diets! Grass-fed meats like beef are also great for meat lovers of any kind because it is leaner than industrially farmed animals.
Foods To Avoid In The Pegan Diet
The food pyramid has been under much scrutiny, but in some foods, nearly everyone agrees on: avoid these, and you’ll be fine.
There’s a lot of talk about what we should eat to stay healthy according to the latest research or by popular opinion – but at heart, most agree certain things shouldn’t make their way into your belly either!
- Gluten: All gluten-containing grains will not be permitted. It causes digestive issues such as bloating and diarrhoea when eaten by someone with Celiac disease; however, non-gluten-containing grains may have some restrictions but should only cause mild gastrointestinal discomfort, if any at all. Gluten-free oats that don’t contain wheat germ may sometimes appear on the table to help prevent nutritional deficiencies associated with the complete elimination of cereal grain from your diet.
- Dairy: Cow’s milk, cheese, and yoghurt are rigorously prohibited. Nevertheless, cheeses made from sheep or goat milk is allowed in small quantities. A typical dieter can also consume grass-fed butter occasionally.
- Sugar: Any form of added sugar is usually avoided. Those who use it try very hard not to overindulge or have unhealthy consumption habits with refined sugars (e.g., drinking soda).
- Refined oils: While many types of fatty acids are healthy for you, there can also be some bad ones, so a balance needs to struck when choosing what kind (s) they eat on any given day.
- Legumes: Most beans are discouraged due to their potential to raise blood sugar. Lentils may be allowed in moderation but should not make up most of one’s diet.
You know all those sinful foods you never have time to eat when the cravings finally hit? Well, they’re banned for a good reason. It turns out your eating habits can affect more than just your waistline.
The German market for women’s health products is worth 4.5 billion euros. Unfortunately, women often go without the information they need to make healthy decisions that are good for their fitness, the environment, and the economy.
You may not think something as small, and innocent-looking as a doughnut could be so bad for you – but it turns out there are quite a few surprising foods on this list of forbidden eats due to their impact on blood sugar levels or inflammation in our bodies!
Is the Pegan Diet a Healthful Decision for You?
In Spain, more people are going on diets and losing weight than ever before. A new study shows that 14 percent of men and 9 percent of women have lost at least 10 pounds in the past year. The number is even higher for those who have been on diet programs at least three times – around 20 percent of men and 15 percent of women have lost at least 10 pounds in the past year.
The study of food has always been fascinating to me. In my life, I have studied hundreds if not thousands of diets and researched what they mean in terms of health or weight-loss potentials.
What’s funny is that every time there seems to be some new diet trend comes out, it usually turns into an argument. We start talking about whether this latest fad can help people lose weight or lead them down healthier pathways than other popular trends.
- Have you ever tried to shed some pounds, but nothing has worked?
- Have you been struggling with your diet and exercise for years?
You’re not alone. With stubborn fat, diet and exercise don’t work. All the dieting, the extreme workouts, the gym membership are all a waste of time and money. But they aren’t the only ways to lose stubborn fat!
Losing weight can be a very difficult task if you have an underactive thyroid or hormonal imbalance causing hormone fluctuations. You may find that as your body naturally fluctuates with hormones during menopause or puberty, those pounds creep back on faster than before.
Luckily, if those pesky pounds refuse to budge, some tricks can help you shed them for good! Check out our tips to start losing weight and build muscle mass.